Radical transparency

We put all business documents online. From incoming invoices and turnover to wages. Invoices from suppliers and service providers, invoices from our customers, tables of our sales of roasted coffee, equipment, drinks and food, and tables of the wages we pay our employees. With automated text recognition and search functions, you can search, sift and critically examine what interests you. Of course, critical elements (such as names and addresses on pay slips) are blacked out in compliance with data protection laws.

Here you can see the receipts.

Why? We want everyone to be able to make up their own minds about whether we meet their ethical and environmental standards. We don’t write sustainability reports because we don’t know what you value. And we don’t want to prepare data and statistics in the best possible way for us, i.e. manipulatively. 

And so that we create a basis for welcome criticism. We want to grow and improve. Every hint, every praise, every finger in a possible wound helps us to do so. Feel free to write Martin if something sticks out to you.

Instead, we show soberly and unvarnishedly how we economise. For responsible consumption. So that everyone can make an informed, conscious decision for or against buying a product from SUEDHANG Coffee. Your critical eye and your feedback help us in our work. And last but not least, we want to be a role model. Maybe in the near future, customers everywhere will demand the kind of radical transparency we live by, so that even big companies will be forced to drop their trousers.

If you are an entrepreneur and also want to publish your receipts, feel free to contact Pia. We would be happy if our tool is also used by others.